Volunteer Tips

Application is based on total volunteer time for True Love and other organizations from October 1st of the past year to September 30th of the current year. The application requirements for the Presidential Award are strictly in accordance with the Presidential Award website.

The award criteria is that at least 75% of the volunteer hours is done with True Love or 75 hours of total volunteer hours is spent with True Love. For example, a young adult who has worked 75 hours with True Love and 175 hours with other organizations, for a total of 250 hours, can apply for the Gold Award. There are two types of volunteers who do not need to consider the percentage. One is a child with special needs. The second is for volunteers who take care of children with special needs on a daily basis (for example, a teen who has worked 12 hours with True Love and 40 hours with other organizations is specially approved to get a bronze award if he or she belongs to one of these two types of volunteers). The registration deadline is October 5 of the current year. As long as one of the above four conditions is met, we will help you apply for the Presidential Award.

Log all volunteer hours as soon as possible after volunteering on the True Love for Hope Impact Website.